CGG Outreach Program in Dalahican, Lucena city

The management and employees of the Comfac Global Group recently donated kiddie chairs and tables to the impoverished school children of Barangay Dalahican in Lucena City. The kiddie chairs and tables were turned over to the Divine Providence Congregation founded by St. Luigi Orione. The Divine Providence Congregation in Lucena City is under the leadership of Fr. Martin Mroz from Argentina. The missionary group recently launched a program to help finance the elementary education of talented but poor school children in the area. As part of its corporate social responsibility program, the Comfac Global Group likewise helped finance the renovation and improvement of the San Raphael chapel in Barangay Dalahican in Lucena City. At the same time, the Comfac Global Group extended financial assistance to deserving scholars of Barangay Dalahican, Lucena City.

Comfac Corp Joins PSECE 2011 Exhibition

Comfac Corporation participated in the recently-concluded Philippine Semiconductor & Electronics Convention and Exhibition 2011 organized by the Semiconductor & Electronics Industries in the Philippines (SEIPI) held at the SMX convention center at the Mall of Asia.

The 3-day annual exhibit and convention featured speakers and trade exhibitors, and was attended by manufacturing industries professionals. As part of its marketing program, Comfac Corporation displayed uninterruptible power supply system, raised floor, structured cabling and other product lines.

CGG brings joy to Philippine General Hospital cancer patients

In celebration of the Christmas season, the Comfac Global Group recently conducted a gift giving program to the indigent cancer patients of the Philippine General Hospital.

Executives and staff of the Comfac Global Group joined the gift giving, together with clowns and magicians, to bring cheers to the kiddie patients of the PGH Cancer Institute. They later visited charity wards to distribute gifts to both children and adult patients afflicted with cancer.

Comfac Group conducts gift giving for kids with cancer

As part of its regular program to reach out to the less-privileged sectors of Philippine society, the Comfac Global Group recently conducted a gift giving program for the beneficiaries of the Cancer Institute of the Philippine General Hospital. The gift giving program was held last December 14, 2009 and benefited more than 40 children afflicted with cancer. The gift giving event was led by officers and staff of the Comfac Global Group. The Kapwa Kalinga Program, or Caring for Others, intends to conduct other outreach programs to benefit other less-privileged sectors of society.  

Comfac Group sponsors mass wedding for employees

The Comfac Global Group recently sponsored a mass wedding for its employees to strengthen family ties and promote good Christian values.

The mass wedding was held last December 12, 2009, with the church ceremony held at the St. Francis Church in Barangay Pulo, Cabuyao, Laguna followed by an early dinner reception at the Cornersteel Systems Corp. basketball grounds.

The mass wedding featured the sons and daughters of the couples as ring bearers and flower girls, and godparents personally selected by the couples.

The mass wedding had six couples participating. Comfac Global Group also sponsored a mass wedding for its employees in 1997.

CGG Kapwa Kalinga relief good distribution for Typhoon Peping victims

The Comfac Global Group recently conducted a relief goods distribution program for the victims of Typhoon Peping (international code name: Typhoon Parma) in the towns of Rosales, Santa Barbara, Tayug, San Nicolas, and Calasiao in Pangasinan, in Central Luzon. The relief goods distribution dubbed as the CGG Kapwa Kalinga Pangasinan caravan, consisted of packages of rice, canned goods, clothing and cleaning detergents that benefited 2,300 families, mostly families living near river banks. The Comfac Clobal Group also distributed separately relief goods to the less fortunate victims of Typhoon Pepeng in Baguio City. The CGG Kapwa Kalinga relief goods distribution in Central Luzon followed the relief good distribution conducted by CGG for its employees and other sectors of society affected by the recent flooding in Metro Manila brought about by Typhoon Ondoy (international code name: Ketsana) two weeks earlier.

CGG Kapwa Kalinga relief operations for Typhoon Ondoy victims

The Comfac Global Group management and employees recently conducted a fund drive to raise cash and relief goods for the victims of Typhoon Ondoy (international name: Ketsana). Typhoon Ondoy brought down its wrath on Metro Manila and dumped 8 hours of heavy rains equivalent to 455 millimeters (against 255 millimeters of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, USA), causing massive flooding in the metropolis and nearby cities. More than 300 people died, and millions lost in terms of damage to crop and properties. The management sent its delivery trucks to fetch affected employees in the flooded areas, and later distributed relief goods and cash assistance to affected employees living in Marikina, Cainta, Pasig, Montalban, Bulacan, and Quezon City.

CGG extends assistance for Typhoon Frank victims in Aklan

The Comfac Global Group management and employees recently raised cash donations and relief goods for the victims of Typhoon Frank. Typhoon Frank (international name: Fengshen) hit the provinces of Aklan and Iloilo last June 21st and brought destruction in terms of lost lives and damaged properties. Comfac Global Group corporate communications manager Jose Lynnie Ramo visited the province of Aklan to distribute cash assistance to more than 115 families whose houses were totally damaged in the towns of Kalibo, Banga, and Numancia. The cash assistance was given to help the victims purchase materials to rebuild their homes. Ramo worked closely with the Kalibo-based Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes Memorial Foundation thru its vice president Marcela Reyes Tinagan and Myrna Escalona, and Cupang and Cerrudo barangay captains Mimie Adorna and Johnnie Rentillo in the town of Banga. Old clothes were likewise turned over to the Foundation for distribution to the typhoon victims.  

CGG conducts blood donation program for Philippine National Red Cross

CGG conducts blood donation program for Philippine National Red Cross

The Comfac Global Group recently conducted a blood donation program for the benefit of the Philippine National Red Cross. 

The blood letting program, conducted by the Philippine National Red Cross Rizal Chapter under the supervision of Doctor Perfecto Cruz, was held at the CGG Makati showroom. Blood donors included CGG Makati employees as well as other blood donors from other offices located at The World Centre.

Blood letting programs are likewise scheduled at later dates at the Comfac Technology Center in Mandaluyong and at the Cornersteel manufacturing plant in Cabuyao, Laguna. The blood donation program is a regular activity of the Comfac Global Group for the benefit of the Red Cross.

Kapwa Kalinga

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As part of its corporate social responsibility, the Comfac Global Group has undertaken projects in sharing its resources for community development and social upliftment in Manila, Cebu, Cagayan and Davao.

Among the notable activities were tree and mangrove planting, fund-raising programs among employees to gather clothes, toys, books and foodstuff, and employee visits to bring cheers and joy to orphanages and home for the aged.

The Comfac Global Group has likewise conducted mass weddings for its employees in previous years.